This is a continuation of a post I wrote a while back.

A basic and simple method of knowing how to move ahead with a God –given assignment (Part A):
1) Ask yourself, “What’s the last artistic thing that I know for sure, without a doubt, that God directed me to complete?”

This does not have to be super deep or mysterious. It usually is that idea you can’t get rid of, that thing you keep putting off, that painting you still haven’t done, the website portfolio you STILL haven’t launched, etc.

2) Then ask yourself, “Have I done it yet?”
If not, that’s a good place to start. It’s always wise to complete the last thing you know that God has directed you to do before expecting Him to reveal the next project.
A small God-given idea will have much more Kingdom value than spinning your wheels on a “good” idea.

Here’s how to take Action (Part B):

3. Write it down TODAY:

Grab a notepad, journal or something that you know that you can find easily to refer back to.

Write down 3 to 5 key ideas, projects or goals that you KNOW that God wants you to do concerning your talent. Again, this does not have to be super deep or mysterious. It usually is that idea you can’t get rid of, that thing you keep putting off, etc. You know better than anyone what those things are.

The key is WRITE IT DOWN!

4. Choose the one that you can take action on THIS WEEK!

Let’s take baby steps here. Sometimes the reason we get paralyzed and don’t move on what God reveals to us is that we try to take on the entire task. Take one step on the “low hanging fruit”, the task that’s easiest to accomplish this week.

5. Choose the next creative goal that can be approached next …and complete it next week!

This is the reason you need write these on something you can easily get your hands on again. You need to refer back to your goals so that you can not only stay on task but also celebrate what you complete. There’s nothing better than seeing my Kreative Kingdom Goal List with items crossed out!

Now share with us what some of those tasks or ideas are. Post a comment (We’ll even be glad to help you stick to completing ’em!)